Product photography, by it's very nature is the photography of a manufactured product. An item that is (probably) created to be sold.
Your run of the mill socks, garden gnome, salt shaker, dump truck, airline hanger etc. You get the idea. Having the skills to shoot images of said products usually (not always) involves years if not decades of learning and practice. Product photography can involve shooting in a dedicated studio space, and it can alternatively involve shooting in a separate location, more suitable to the product in question. I've done most of my product shoots in a small studio space, but I've also had the opportunity to shoot in an airport hanger. It all depends on the subject matter and how much control is allowed. Kind of hard to photograph an airplane in my studio. I wouldn't even try. In most cases, not all, I try to shoot in a style that is unique to my vision as an artist. I want my viewers to ultimately look at my portfolio and say, "that looks like Mike's work". I want to be memorable. To be identifiable. I think that is an achievable goal. I think that every shooter with an ounce of business sense, should strive to be memorable. At the moment, I would describe my style as "dramatic minimalism". That's my story and I'm sticking to it. My foray into the world of product photography stems from my interest and desire to have control of the situation. It also helps that the products never become disinterested, whine or complain or feel the need to blink. Have you ever seen a bottle of scotch blink ? Me neither. Studio photography is unique in that it gives the control to those within. I prefer it that way. It makes me the boss. And yet, it also makes me a collaborator on each project. I hope to keep collaborating for as long as I can here in Peterborough. As long as they keep calling, I'll keep shooting. The book by Seth Godin.
Purple Cow. If you are in any kind of business, especially if yours is similar to others in your area, you NEED to read this short and brilliant book. You'll will be thanking me later. I've had my copy for a few years and I go back and read through it every 6 months or so. There is so much value in this little book, that I would not be surprised if it is required reading for every business and marketing curriculum across the world. It should be. Purple Cow. Go get your copy today. |
Mike Taylor
Photo-Artist working a personal vision. Archives
November 2024
For those of us interested in better marketing techniques, get this book.
Mike Taylor Photo Arts
205Wilson Street
K9J 1S7