The Music Makers portfolio project as it stands is a multiple month long endeavour. At this point I have 10 completed with another 2 confirmed participants.
July and August are looking positive for being able to complete a few more of the location shoots. It's been fun. Meeting these extremely talented and devoted craftspeople is such a pleasure. Sadly, the majority of them are located far afield from my home in #Peterborough. Learning of their individual ordeals, their multi-faceted paths that they travelled to get to where they are in their respective careers has been such a joy. These people need to be recognized, acknowledged, appreciated and promoted. It's good for them, good for Ontario and good for the country. This project is about celebrating talent and passion. Each of the participants deserves all the praise that comes their way. If I can introduce each instrument maker to a new client by way of my image, then the effort this project involves will be completely worth it. I am determined to travel to as many of the workshops that I can, no matter where they exist in Ontario. Keeping it a completely cost-free involvement for the participants is important to me. There should be no barrier to taking part. None at all. Positive benefits, that's what each maker should see when they consider taking part. These images are created to put them in a most splendid light. To show them as revered individuals. As they are. At what point will I consider the project complete? That is a great question, to which I still don't know the answer. All I do know is that this is a project that will have more than one component. The first part being the completion of a portfolio. After that, there could be a show of some sort, a publication or perhaps a joint project. This is all speculation and remains to be seen at this point. One need only stay tuned to see how this crazy thing develops and transforms. Currently I have 9 more potential #portraits to do. Very exciting. |
Mike Taylor
Photo-Artist working a personal vision. Archives
November 2024
For those of us interested in better marketing techniques, get this book.
Mike Taylor Photo Arts
205Wilson Street
K9J 1S7