Comments welcomed and encouragedI recently came across an article on the site from 2010 that went into detail about the value of the proper kinds of images for a website and how it can have a serious effect on the success of the business. One of the most interesting statistics in the article said that: "users pay close attention to photos and other images that contain relevant information but ignore fluffy pictures used to "jazz up" a website" The writer is Jakob Nielsen of the Nielson Norman Group and he has done a stellar job of making the reader understand the mindset of website visitors and how images play a big part in how they deal with a site based on its images. Fill out the form and I will send you the article right away.
12/6/2016 11:03:48 am
Totally true. And the opposite is true as well. Crappy photos of your product will only serve to turn people away from your biz. Always a good idea to hire someone who knows what the heck is going on and can make your biz look its best. Comments are closed.
Mike Taylor
Photo-Artist working a personal vision. Archives
November 2024
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Mike Taylor Photo Arts
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