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That's what this tiny person in my mind keeps telling me. This little guy is convinced that in order to be a better photographer, I need to have new newest and most amazing new Nikon lenses, DSLR bodies, filters, flashes or whatever the press is promoting. But then the sensible creature in me has the opinion that a basic camera kit, coupled with the ability to think creatively will be sufficient to get me through any photographic challenge I come across. Which one is right, and which voice should I listen to? Who's to say, but I do know that both voices have valid arguements. Yes, I like to put my hands on the latest and greatest that Nikon has to offer but in the same respect I have a few lenses from Nikon that are vintage from the early 1980's and perform flawlessly. There's really now reason to change them. It can be a difficult choice, especially for a person who appreciates tools for what they are. Tools. The means to an end; a great photo. Maybe you have the same problem in that you never know if it is a good idea to spend money on the new shiny bauble when last year' bauble is perfectly usable. Do you go get the new Nikon 750 while you still have a Nikon D7000? Maybe if you sell the D7000 it will justify upgrading to the D750? Pehaps if you decide you want to shoot night scenes now it will justify the need for the D750 and its increased ISO range. To justify or not. To spend the cash or not. Never an easy decision to be sure. I know that for myself that if can find more than 2 excellent reasons to make a new camera kit purchase, I will probably do it. I'll find the cash. I'll get it done, but not without a whole whack of research first. I read the reviews, do the comparisons, and if I can put my hands on that shiny new Nikon lens before completely convincing myself to buy then I will. I don't shoot sports so I don't need a camera that shoots 6 frames a second. I don't shoot water buffalo on the Serengeti so I don't need a 500 mm f4 lens. If I wanted to shoot those subjects, well more than likely the desire would be brief and I would simply go out and rent the needed equipment. A means to an end. Try to remember that. For the most part this stuff is simply a bunch of tools that are designed to get you to the end. That amazing photo. What will you NEED to get to your next amazing photo? Comments are closed.
Mike Taylor
Photo-Artist working a personal vision. Archives
November 2024
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Mike Taylor Photo Arts
205Wilson Street
K9J 1S7