Comments welcomed and encouragedIt's occurs to me that getting sick and the cold blustery days of winter go hand in hand for me. With both those forces sucking the life blood from my very soul, I generally lose all my energy and will to make images. Hence, I've nothing to show for the past 6 months of existence as far as photography goes.
Yes, it's pathetic. But that's life sometimes. The end is near. I can smell the spring weather emerging in the distance. It urges me out of the shadows and reminds me that there is indeed life after autumn. I have hope. I will again pick up a camera or two and venture out into the world of the unknown. Who knows what I shall discover. Maybe just one more hot toddy before I go. Watch the galleries my friends. Comments are closed.
Mike Taylor
Photo-Artist working a personal vision. Archives
November 2024
For those of us interested in better marketing techniques, get this book.
Mike Taylor Photo Arts
205Wilson Street
K9J 1S7